Purchase, Development & Infrastructure Maintenance Committee

Purchase, Development & Infrastructure Maintenance Committee

Designation Name
Convener Dr. Samit Paul
Jt. Convener Dr. Mrinal Kanti Das
Member Sri Sukdeb Pal
Sri Krishna Chandra Ghosh
Sri Rahul Chowdhuey
Smt. Mita Paul
Dr. Joydep Bhattacharyya
Sri Saradindu Pal
Sri Bipul Sarkar
Sri Safiul Islam Khan
Dr. Sujit Kumar Biswas
Sri Ratan Kumar Mondal
Sri Subodh Kr. Roy
Smt. Priyanka Pal.


  1. It recommends for the development of new infrastructure and resources providing plans for fund generation
  2. It takes the major role for developing recommended infrastructure and resources
  3. It forms different maintenance teams for repairing and renovations of different infrastructures
  4. It recommends for procuring different general items and equipment related to all round development of the college
  5. It prepares budget for developing infrastructure and purchasing or procuring resources and seek approval from the Finance Sub-Committee


  1. It can spent the fund allotted by the Finance Sub-Committee for developing any infrastructures.
  2. It can purchase or procure any equipment or instruments using the fund allotted by the Finance Sub-committee.
  3. It can appointment any party for infrastructure development or place purchase order to any

Company/vendors following the procedure like the Purchase Sub-Committee.